CAUTION: Content on this site may be offensive. If you are under the age of 18 go to Filipinotown and get a fake ID to read this blog (and to get into a Canadian bar).
Wednesday, October 14
It's never to late...
- awesome friends to help
- blankets (tons of blankets)
- twinkle lights
- hookahs and alcohol
- artsy boy to take the picture (Skinny!)
Oh well, can't continue to harp on the fact that this would have been one of the greatest things to happen to us in all our four years at college. Oh, sorry. Anyways, here's a taste of what I'm talking about. Please take the 10 minutes at some point to look at all the amazingness of this project!!!!!
Saturday, October 3
Friday, September 25
Babies are the shit (unless you have one of your own)
Wednesday, September 16
A Bills Family in :30
Add some snow and I'd say this seems pretty accurate - rough weekend ay Leigh Star?
Tuesday, September 15
Wednesday, September 9
The Return of the Douche
Wednesday, September 2
Comedy in the Obama Age: The Joking Gets Hard
What's your best Obama themed joke... I'll work on one and get back to ya but for now:
Comedy in the Obama Age: The Joking Gets Hard
One thing I did notice is that it seems like the article is calling or predicting an Obama slip-up. Though I very much doubt he will have a flawless presidency, shouldn't we praise the fact that we have a well-liked and well-rounded president. Perhaps thats the liberal bias speaking, from myself and from the media. Not to mention, some skeptics think he's too media friendly, just a pretty face for Washington. Not to say Bush wasn't pretty, but nor did it seem he was the one running the show.
Ahh, my attempt at political musings... Rach, any thoughts from the heart of the matter?
Ego Booster - Just want Jay needs
Tuesday, August 18
Babysit your vagina...
"Can't believe my dick just barfed that much"
Will Arnett takes it to the next level:
Not for the faint at heart.
Tuesday, August 11
Big Red and I got this for the Road Trip

It's going to be a long drive from New York to LA so Big Red and I purchased this in case emergencies happen...

Introducing the BUMPER DUMPER! Now only $69.95 - here's the link to order yours now!
Monday, August 10
Friday, August 7
Ed Helms you Son of a Bitch
Thursday, August 6
Wednesday, August 5
Loving This...
I have been loving this song "Bulletproof" by La Roux - Here's a live version from that new MTV show with Alexa Chung.
Tuesday, June 23
Friday, June 19
If Top Chef doesn't work out L. Star...
Wednesday, June 17
Friday, June 12
texts from last night blog
(805): 1 dont ever text someone @ 8am on sat. 2 dont ever admit to rollerblading past 1992.
Thursday, June 11
I'd prefer a small wedding...
New Orleans second Line from Joe Taravella on Vimeo.
But if I was in NOLA I guess this wouldn't be to bad...
Friday, June 5
Zach Efron WTF
Tuesday, June 2
Beer Can Grilled Chicken!!!!
Thursday, May 28
Friday, May 15
Wednesday, May 6
Lebowski Fest at One17

...or One17 can just hold their own Lebowski Fest
Wednesday, April 29
Tuesday, April 21
Thursday, April 16
Just another reason why I love NYC...

Some clever East Villagers taped a few of the fingers on the "don't go hand" around town quickly changing the "don't cross the street" message to something much less friendly. It only took this New Yorker missing two "cross the street" people to figure out how they did it, and three pictures until it was somewhat legible.
There goes looking cool in the EV/LES once again...
Tuesday, April 14
Thursday, April 9
Wednesday, April 8
Monday, April 6
Saturday, April 4
Computer Camp/Lab Love
A little DataRock for your soullls. Sorry for the non embedded video--- youtube is off the chains these days.
Tuesday, March 31
Thursday, March 26
Wednesday, March 25
possible list item?
its worth copying and
Monday, March 23
Sunday, March 22
Friday, March 20
Body Art to the max!
walmart scare
seems as if these shenanigans have been going around since 2005.
Thursday, March 19
Monday, March 16
still not as good as jim's!
I Made the Dean's Blog!

My fellow Parkies understand what an honor it is to be featured on the Dean's Blog so I had to share this with all of you:
Most Important Meal of the Day

Friday, March 13
It's Not Spring Break Anymore...

Saturday, March 7
"Beer Pong Gives You Herpes...
Friday, March 6
For All You Lonely Spring Breakers!
Monday, March 2
Cat in the Bong

Out of the hat and into your ganja pipe for hair-ball inhalation...
Sunday, March 1
Saturday, February 28
Thursday, February 26
Ithaca Pizza Challaenge
With 23 different resturants in review our bellies and gym time will have some serious work ahead of them. As for this evening... with a 7 outta 10 tribute to the Spike Lee Joint: "Do the Right Thing", I feel as the right thing is to order Sal's (they're heavy on the cheeeeeseeeeee).
Wednesday, February 25
the foundation of one17 friendships.
Tuesday, February 24
Everything's Amazing... And Nobody's Happy
Please check this one out. The embedding had been disabled but please check this one out. It's completely true. We should be more appreciative of the utterly awesome age we live in. Here's to that.
-Mitch Hedberg
Why did the Tyrannosaurus of comedy have to pass away? I wish Mitchy was still around to give us these comedic gems.
Monday, February 23
one17 hud loves to do it by the book!
for those who like to sing along:
It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake
If the way is hazy,
You gotta do the cooking by the book
You know you can't be lazy
Never use a messy recipe,
The cake will end up crazy
If you do the cooking by the book,
Then you'll have a cake
We gotta have it made,
You know that I love cake
Finally, it's time to make a cake!
Wednesday, February 18
"...Not Trying to be the Best at Exercising"
Tuesday, February 17
Sweat Pants Boner
Monday, February 16
Friday, February 13
Creepy Pig

Thursday, February 12
Really? Really! Really.
Netflix Power Hour

As far as I know you can't find Video Power Hour's on Netflix yet... luckily our friend Pete Berg has added a fantastic new site to his collection of originals:
A directory for one of the best drinking games known to college students and alumni nationwide: power hour. So if you're tired of listening to the 98' hip-hop version you made with your friends or staring a kitchen clock with a shot glass handy check it out!
Cause who knows when you'll get stuck in layover at an airport bar and need a power hour to entertain yourself before Mardi Gras!
Tuesday, February 10
99 Bottles of Beer Dominos
Monday, February 9
House Sponsor
Saturday, February 7

Thursday, February 5
Hope those workouts have been paying off...
Tuesday, February 3
Lego My City!

Coffee Cup Follow-Up

With ad's selling at an easy $3 Million a piece it looks like people tuned in 3-D and beer glasses in hand to see Sunday's Super Bowl.
According to
Super Bowl XLIII on NBC is the second most-viewed Super Bowl in history with a total audience of 147 million viewers, trailing Super Bowl XLII on FOX which pulled in 148.3 million vie

Monday, February 2
Jokes on the Slopes

This is a great way to make friends and rob banks like your favorite super villain:
Click here to buy a mask for yourself or a loved one!
Saturday, January 31
A blog for a blog (kind of like tit for tat)
For a good blog check out:
^Any blog that uses the word, "penultimate" is going to be historical. That's an SAT word that means "second to last". So, it's pretty much the most unnecessary word ever. Many many props to GOOD MAGAZINE for using it.
Butttt... it looks like they are switching locations (All the cool blogs are doing it these days). The new website is:
I wonder what nation they had to pay off to get the ".is". There's something for your mind to chew on.
Friday, January 30
Wednesday, January 28
Banned Super Bowl Ad.
'Veggie Love': PETA's Banned Super Bowl Ad
Viva La Cheesecake!

I don't even like cheesecake all that much but if these Mexican chefs are going the world record distance you might want to head down to Mexico City before it's all out!
Consumer Un-Report
Monday, January 26
Take Yourself to Work Day
The Kids Don't Stand a Chance
- The presidents daughter? OMG how do you know them?
No Mom my dollies...
These shouldn't make the school days any more awkward for the first children (click the photo for more):

Sunday, January 18
Mos Def for President
Saturday, January 17
Friday, January 9
African Albinos?
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Thursday, January 8
The Dentyne Workout Plan
Don't get it? Check out Dentyne Gum's new, and creative I must add, advertising scheme:

Wednesday, January 7
Stomped in Air Force Ones
Six out of the top 10 shoes on a new police database of footprints left at crime scenes are made by the sports giant.
Like I wouldn't add this...
Monday, January 5

When doctors found a tumor in 3 year-old Sam's brain they weren't expecting to find a tumor pinata of feet and hands. According to this MSNBC article, when a Colorado Springs doctor was "... removing the growth, he discovered it contained a nearly perfect foot and the formation of another foot, a hand and a thigh."
But hey, these kinds of things are perfectly normal...